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NASSCO and CET Partner

April, 2003 – SAN DIEGO, CA. -- CET San Diego and CET El Centro just successfully completed a customized Welding Skills training course for NASSCO (National Steel and Shipbuilding Company) employees; the first customized training delivered by CET to NASSCO. The CET instructional staff worked closely with NASSCO to develop a 360-hour course specifically focused on NASSCO's competencies, required for their ship building-welding jobs. CET then delivered the classes to over 25 new NASSCO employees. NASSCO paid CET to deliver the training, and also paid the employees to attend the class. Dora Mandeville, Director of the San Diego CET Center is pleased with the partnership with NASSCO and praised their continued support.

Valerie Houlihan, Manger of Training at NASSCO explained that they have such a tremendous demand for employees, that they have begun hiring unskilled people and then training them on the skills required for each job. Valerie was very pleased with the CET training results: "The CET-trained employees are doing quite well. As trainees, they are motivated, have a good work ethic and have demonstrated capabilities for continuous learning, which is critical for their progression to the journeymen level." NASSCO has 3 major contracts, mandating work through 2007. For further information on training needs at NASSCO, go to

According to Judy Siquieros, Director of CET El Centro, this project has the attention of DOL and Assistant Secretary of Labor, Ms. Emily DeRocco. "This welding project with NASSCO has a direct relationship to the Homeland Security issue wherein CET applied to DOL, at the urging of Ms. DeRocco for DOL for to reimburse NASSCO for the training funds provided on this project." Further training is pending the DOL authorization.

CET San Diego and El Centro are divisions of the National Center for Employment Training, headquartered in San Jose, CA.


Located on scenic San Diego Bay, NASSCO is the largest new construction shipyard on the West Coast. NASSCO has been building large ships for commercial customers and the U.S. Navy since 1960.

Over the last four decades, NASSCO has delivered over 100 ships to the world's fleets -- 53 ships to commercial customers, becoming America's leading commercial shipbuilder during this period; and 53 auxiliary and support ships for the U.S. Navy. These have included oil tankers, ferries, containerships, and oceanographic research ships for commercial customers; and hospital ships, fast combat support ships, tank landing ships, and roll-on/roll-off ships for the United States Navy.

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